Foundations, lipsticks, eye shadows, mascaras, and makeup removers.

Honey based products made in Maryland

Make-up and skin care products made in the USA

Made with Love in California, Colourpop® was born, raised and made with love in the City of Angels

Nail polish, make-up and creams – made in the USA

Makeup America is America’s Beauty Brand that reflects the American Spirit of diversity, resiliency, freedom, beauty and independence. Named after America’s most recognized icons and priced at $17.76 & $13.76, we pledge that all our products are cruelty-free, non-GMO, paraben-free, fragrance-free, and Made in the U.S.A.

Skin care Products are crafted with full-spectrum organic and unique superfood ingredients. Made in the USA

Hair, face and body products made in the mountains of Vermont to simplify our lives and be closer to the great outdoors.