Beka ~ Specialty Wood Products Handmade in the USA! Wooden Toys, Furniture & Looms!!!

We make little wooden replicas of buildings [including your own home], landmarks, and scenes to help you remember the good times in your life.

The Company’s world headquarters and major manufacturing facilities are located in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania, its home since the early 1900’s.

Jolene Tench, called JoJo by her friends, really loves candles: tall ones, short ones, plain ones, fancy ones. When friends of hers began selling Scentsy and Partylite candles, she bought as many as she could possibly afford. Being a smart and supportive partner, her husband Casey one day brought home a brilliant gift: 50 pounds of candle wax and an 18-gallon tote full of assorted candle-making supplies including color chips and scented oils.

Made in America Yarns shares a roof with Huntingdon Yarn Mill in Philadelphia, PA.

Pixelle Specialty Solutions® is one of the largest and fastest-growing manufacturers of specialty papers in North America

Ribbon and craft tape made in Titusville, Pa